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Happy Shopping, Knuckleheads! -ShopKnuckleheads Team Any order over $99 save 15%: Use code: SAVE15
Happy Shopping, Knuckleheads! -ShopKnuckleheads Team Any order over $99 save 15%: Use code: SAVE15
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- The Three Stooges made their first television appearance today, October 19th on ‘The Texaco Star Theatre’ in 1948. The show, hosted by Milton Berle, is regarded as a watershed in moving the American public from radio to...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- Larry, Moe & Shemp filmed a TV pilot on October 12th, in 1949 for ABC. The show was Jerks Of All Trades and was never broadcast and the series never materialized due to...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- The three shorts released *yesterday* give us a nice spectrum of The Three Stooges body of work as we get a bevy of beauties; some classic and memorable bits; some firsts and lasts from wonderful supporting players...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- Bud Abbott, born tomorrow, October 2nd, in 1895 in Asbury Park, New Jersey, never worked with The Three Stooges. However, Shemp did appear in several Abbott & Costello films plus Shemp and Joe Besser both...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- One of the most recognizable pieces of dialog in the entire Three Stooges body of work is ‘Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr, Howard!’ from the short Men In Black; which was released today, September 28th,...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- We put together a whole list of amazing Stooge entertainment! (ON SALE!) Three Stooges Ultimate Collection DVD Box Set Three Stooges DVD Box Set - Hey Moe! Hey Dad! Three Stooges DVD Box Set...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- The short Gents Without Cents was released on September 22nd in 1944. Besides being famous for the ‘Niagara Falls’ routine, which it was and still is, there is a bit of interesting bits about one of the bit...
News today from ShopKnuckleheads- A conscious modernization of the story of Orpheus, a divine musician! This episode aired on September 11th, 1947. Clyde Bruckman (Screenplay Writer) clearly was fascinated by the whole theme of this tale. Two decades prior to...